Tree Care Calendar
Minneapolis Yearly Tree Care Calendar
Yearly Tree Care Calendar
Remove trees as needed
Prune fruit trees and oaks/elms up until April 1
Inspect trees for structural problems
Remove buckthorn and treat larger stumps to reduce and prevent resprouting
Do not prune oaks and elms after April 1
Avoid if possible pruning of fruit trees
Prune and remove trees as needed
Remove tree wrap in early April on young, thin barked trees (crabs, maples)
Begin regular watering of trees (deep soaking)
Mulch trees with woodchips to a depth of 3-4 inches
Fertilize valuable trees and shrubs April through mid July
Treat to prevent emerald ash borer and other boring insects
Treat to prevent apple scab, anthracnose, needlecast of spruce and needle blight of pines
Avoid if possible pruning of fruit trees
Prune and remove trees as needed
Continue regular watering of trees (deep soaking)
Mulch trees with woodchips to a depth of 3-4 inches
Begin Site Inspections monitoring (tree and shrub health)
Begin Dutch elm disease and oak wilt root flare injections
Continue treatment to prevent emerald ash borer and other boring insects
Prune and remove trees as needed
Prune fruit trees, oaks and elms after Labor Day
Continue regular watering of trees (deep soaking)
Mulch trees with woodchips to a depth of 3-4 inches
Continue Site Inspections monitoring (tree and shrub health)
Continue Dutch elm disease and oak wilt root flare injections
Continue treatment to prevent emerald ash borer and other boring insects
Fertilize valuable trees and shrubs September and October
Treat for iron deficiencies (chlorosis) root flare injections in October
Wrap young, thin barked trees (crabs, maple) with light colored tree wrap
Remove buckthorn and treat larger stumps to reduce and prevent resprouting