How will Emerald Ash Borer Affect You?
EAB exit hole
Across the country the Emerald Ash Borer has killed millions of Ash trees. Here in the twin cities we haven't been hit hard yet, but it will happen. Slowly the population of Emerald Ash Borers grows until it explodes exponentially.
EAB larva
The resulting effect is the death of all the ash trees in an infested area, unless the trees have been treated. The destruction left by these beetles is considered a natural disaster. I can only imagine how depressing it will be to see the aftermath, when entire neighborhoods boulevard ash trees are removed. Or worse seeing an entire neighborhood full of dead and declining ash trees.
Removal of these trees will come at a huge cost to cities and homeowners, but there may be other costs as well. Recently an article "When Trees Die, People Die" by Lindsay Abrams has pointed out a rise in heart disease amongst people living in areas where ash trees were wiped out by emerald ash borers. She makes an interesting case that trees have a profound effect on our well being, both physical and emotional. Whether or not there is a correlation between the death of millions of trees and an increase of disease in people is debatable. I do recommend reading the article, it is well put together and thought provoking.
If you do have an Ash tree or trees on your property it's not too late to start treating them. Shadywood Tree Experts has treatment options available to protect from Emerald Ash Borers.